Daily Planner
The most intuitive and easy to use list app for you.
All your Tasks, Notes, and Reminders can be done with this app alone.
Simple and minimum interface, no need to learn how to use it.
Download the app and experience the comfort of using it.
What's important when organizing your tasks?
Sorting, prioritizing, completing, all in this simple screen.

Available when you purchase the Pro plan for $0.99/month.
Reminders will help you make your schedule and make sure you don't forget a thing.

Date Presets
Expedite task entry with three date presets for tonight, tomorrow, or this nextweek.
Custom Repeat
Repeat reminders on a daily, weekly, monthly, or annually schedule.
Sends system notifications at set times.
Special widget for Reminder is available.
Write freely from a blank screen.
With the block type notes, you can edit them freely and easily even after writing.

More Features
iCloud Sync
Effortless, secure, and private multi-device sync via iCloud.
Export the list in plain text and markdown format.
Widgets of various sizes can be placed on the home screen.
Dark Mode
The dark mode with sophisticated colors will not disturb your work.
Safe Privacy
It doesn't get any user-identifiable data and works perfectly offline.
Multi Device
Available for iPhone, iPad and Mac.